
Re-Productive Lab Technology To Work Miracles For Infertile Couples


On this occasion, Dr. Huynh Thi Thu Thao, Medical Director – Fertility Centre of Hanh Phuc International Hospital, talked about the application of this new technology as well as the hospital’s achievements in making the dreams of infertile couples come true.

As we have known, Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) laboratory has a crucial role in fertility treatment, especially for IVF treatment. Could you please share some information about modern technologies which Hanh Phuc ART lab uses to support fertility treatment as well as give more chances for infertility couples to become parents happily?

The system of equipment and technology used in ART lab is essential for embryo culture and success rate in fertility treatment. So far, in Hanh Phuc ART lab, we have got modern equipment such as laser micromanipulation system, benchtop incubator (multi-chamber incubator), and especially a benchtop incubator that incorporates the latest time-lapse and AI technology. We have operated the most innovative Time-lapse benchtop incubator since February 2019.

Time-lapse benchtop incubator with integrated AI technology has been put into use in Hanh Phuc International Hospital since February 2019

Hanh Phuc Fertility Centre was the first center in Vietnam to operate the innovative Time-lapse benchtop incubator integrated with AI technology. So what are outstanding advantages of this innovative technology for fertility treatment?

Embryo incubation and assessment is a vital step in ART lab and determines the success rate of IVF cycles. This innovative Time-lapse benchtop incubator is designed to offer an individualized and undisturbed incubation, so it provides stable culture conditions in an optimal environment. Each embryo will be cultured individually in each micro-well and be captured images at frequent time intervals, which allow assessment of embryos without removing the embryos from the incubator. Based on image data transferred to computer, embryologists have more information to assess embryo morphology and kinetic.

The AI software built on the GERI Time-lapse incubator is able to collect the sharpest images of embryos and analyze exactly division phases during embryo development. Basically, the AI software was resulted from the statistical analysis of thousands of real human embryo images. Embryos are objectively graded in order of their possibility of implantation. Furthermore, abnormalities of chromosome division can be detected in early stages. The AI technology supports embryologists choose the right embryos, the embryos with highest possibility of implantation to transfer to the mother’s uterus in order to increase the success rate of an embryo transfer cycle.

At Hanh Phuc Fertility Centre, we have had 40 IVF cases using this innovative technology. The preliminary results have showed promising results with a pregnancy rate of 56.25% (9 pregnancies out of 16 cases of embryo transfer).

The intergrated AI within Geri embryo incubator will produce the sharpest embryo images and the most accurate measurements of embryo developmental phases.

Many foreign patients have come to Hanh Phuc Fertility Centre for their fertility treatment and got successful treatment. Besides advanced facillities and technology, are there any other factors attracting them to come to Hanh Phuc Fertility Centre for fertility treatment?

Every year we have many consultations for foreign infertility couples. Most of them are highly knowledgeable and demanding. They, especially those who have had failed fertility treatments at other places, very need comprehensive consultations from our doctors to reassure them continue treatment. No matter where they are from, most of infertility couples are worried and stressed, so they also need psychological support to help them feel relieved. Through many years of practice, we have realized that a subtle touch on patients’ emotion may be sufficient to have positive effect on their treatment journey. For example, we found that most of infertility couples were really touched and got motivation to continue treatment journey while they were watching video clips of their embryo development, “their possible kids” incubated in Time-lapse benchtop incubator. Thanks to innovative Time-lapse technology, we can make these meaningful video clips for them.

Thank you for your sharing!

By the end of December 2018, there were 15.5764 fertility consultations and treatments at Hanh Phuc Fertility Centre, in which foreign patients accounted for 11%. With the success rate of 50%, more than 1,000 babies were born. Since 2014, Hanh Phuc Fertility Centre was the first centre in Vietnam to get RTAC Certification and have kept maintaining this quality certification up to now.

The Saigon Times